Blog - Posted at 2018 13

Codes by month

12/31/2018 by Admin

Still like working on multiple projects at the same time
Just added new page to BoldCodes showing codes added per month for the previous 16 months.

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My Mice

12/31/2018 by Admin

See, I told you
Those are the ones who survived those years, there are others that I actually through out

The mouse

12/31/2018 by Admin

So the winner mouse costs only $19.99 ??
For a while now, I have been refusing to use other than the best mouse in the market.

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Desktop today

12/30/2018 by Admin

It has been a while since I last took a screenshot of my desktop, so here it is

Admin blog table

12/29/2018 by Admin

Was able to apply the flexible table from wenzhixin
Just what I needed now

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Still working on blog

12/26/2018 by Admin

Am still in the process of importing all blog posts from my old ANmars website to this new ANmarSystems, this will take a while :-)

Blog system merged

12/25/2018 by Admin

You remember the old system (DBRox) I created a while back?
Well it is now imported into ANmar.Systems

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Importing blog

12/25/2018 by Admin

Been busy finishing ANmar.Systems website, focusing on blog
I am now trying to import all blog posts from

Mini Bypass Surgery

11/14/2018 by Admin

Finally, got the got to do the Gastric bypass surgery.
In Cairo, along with my beloved Mom and Dad (who was pushing me to do the surgery for few years now)

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Goodbye again

9/25/2018 by Admin

They said they do not have more work for me.
This was a sudden, I got terminated from HRC, where I was hired less than a year ago.

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Death in the family

4/25/2018 by Admin

These are sad days, after just few months of her first
My mother in law just passed away

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New website (aka

4/16/2018 11:27:58 PM by Admin

Getting the domain got me a good chance to host all my dev library into one location
So instead of and
I now have all my code in

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Linkedin login

2/8/2018 5:21:47 AM by Admin

Was able to connect Linkedin login with some of my websites
Now, I just need to login to Linkedin, then most of my websites will be able to recognize me.
Websites added:
And the new coming website


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